Satisfaction is our
main concern.

Quality and patient satisfaction are what you will find at Blue Ridge Ear, Nose and Throat. We have attended to the medical needs of thousands in the High Country and look forward to serving yours as well.
We specialize in pediatric and adult ear diseases, allergy and sinus, throat disorders, head and neck cancer, dizziness and vertigo, and sleep disorders. We are able to perform in-office ultrasounds of the neck and CAT scans of the sinuses. We have audiologists to help you in making informed decisions regarding hearing aids to best meet your hearing loss needs.

Blue Ridge ENT and Blue Ridge Hearing Center want to say thanks for voting us “Best of the Best in Hearing Aid Services” for 2023!
We strive to provide the best services, prices and patient experience for our communities. This award speaks to that commitment from our practice, our team and the providers our patients know so well!
In addition, we have changed our pricing structure to ensure that we can offer patients the lowest cost of hearing aids and highest quality of care!
Ear & Hearing
Your ear is a complex organ that enables you to connect with your surroundings. If a problem arises with any part of the ear, you may become disconnected. We can help.
Ear & Hearing OverviewNose & Sinus
When the nose is not functioning properly, you may experience sinus problems, nosebleeds or difficulty breathing. Our staff is trained and equipped to diagnose and treat a number of conditions that affect the nose and sinuses.
Nose & Sinus OverviewThroat
Diseases affecting the throat can impact many of your body’s regular processes. Fortunately, many of these disorders are easily treatable; we can help find a solution for your throat problem.
Throat OverviewAllergy
More than 50 million Americans experience allergies caused by pollen, molds, animal dander, smoke, dust mites or other irritants. Plenty of treatments are available to reduce the severity of your symptoms and help you to lead a normal, healthy life.
Allergy OverviewHead & Neck
A number of masses known as growths, tumors, lumps or bumps may develop in your head or neck. Our experts are there for you through the diagnosis and treatment.
Head & Neck OverviewSleep & Snoring
Sleep is vital for good health. A lack of sleep can affect your hormone levels, mood, weight and work or school performance and may result in physical, mental, social and emotional problems. Our experts are experienced at identifying, diagnosing and treating a wide range of sleep disorders.
Sleep & Snoring OverviewQuality Program Patient Engagement
We are using a program called SEngage to track responses from our patients to ensure that you are reveiving the care you deserve.
IT IS IMPORTANT that you complete this information as it is a part of our engagement with you.
You will receive emails or text from YOUR DOCTOR via (example Dr. Smith via SEngage). Please click the link and you will be automatically taken to a HIPAA secured site to complete a patient interview.
Thank you for your help in providing the best patient experience possible!