Children and Hearing Loss
Can Children Suffer from Hearing Loss? Hearing loss has long been only associated with the adult population. Turns out, hearing loss can actually affect people of all ages. Children are much more affected by hearing loss as any delay in treatment can lead to problems with their learning and development. Causes of Hearing Loss in…
Food and Your Ears
Food and Your Ears: Two Peas in a Pod The food you put into your body becomes fuel, enabling you to jump higher and run faster. It also plays an important role in keeping your ears healthy. Research has shown that vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids can reduce age-related hearing loss. Most fish,…
A Good Thyroid Diet
Your thyroid is a gland in your neck that sits in front of the trachea and below the larynx. It is responsible for controlling metabolism by producing thyroid hormone (TH) that controls your body’s energy production and consumption. Genetics, stress, environmental toxins, an autoimmune condition and the food you eat all play a role in…
Sleep Disorders ZZZZZ
Together with eating a healthy diet and drinking the recommended amount of water, getting enough sleep can help you maintain your healthy lifestyle. Often overlooked, sleep helps keep your hormone levels, mood, weight and work or school performance on the right path. It also prevents physical, mental, social and emotional problems from developing. But, for…
The Mysterious Thyroid
Have you ever thought about the role your thyroid plays in your life? Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that sits in the lower front of your neck. It uses the iodine from your food to produce three hormones that your body uses as energy, to stay warm and to keep your brain, heart,…