When Should You Be Concerned About a Nose Bleed?

Many of us have experienced a nose bleed at some point or another, and usually it’s a very minor condition with no cause for concern. However, it’s estimated that about 10% of nose bleeds are severe enough to require treatment or medical attention. In these cases, nose bleeds may be a sign of a more…
Balloon Sinuplasty: What is it and Who Can Benefit?

Balloon sinuplasty is a type of nasal surgery that uses small balloon catheters to dilate and drain the sinuses. It is typically performed on patients suffering from sinusitis or sinus inflammation and blockage in the nose. The procedure is minimally invasive and an effective method of enlarging your sinus passages for easier breathing and a…
What Is Adenoid Removal?

Swollen or infected adenoids can lead to breathing difficulties and sleeping issues in children. If these problems persist, your child’s doctor may recommend removing their adenoids in a procedure called an adenoidectomy. Continue reading to learn more about what your adenoids are why they may require removal. Understanding Adenoids The glands at the roof of…
Common Causes of a Dry & Crusty Ear Canal

It’s not unusual for an ear canal to become dry and crusty. Knowing the cause of your dry, crusty ear is key for finding relief. Below we review some of the most common causes. Environmental Causes Sometimes the ear becomes dried out due to environmental causes, including: Fluctuations in temperature. Allergies and sensitivities to soaps….
Why Do Your Ears Feel Clogged?
Have you ever felt like your ears are clogged, plugged or full? It may seem concerning, but this feeling is rarely due to a serious condition. Below are three common reasons your ears may feel clogged and how to find relief. Impacted Earwax Earwax is a naturally-occurring substance that is produced by ear canals. While…
Is Basal Cell Skin Cancer Serious?

Skin cancer is common and usually very treatable. Understanding the causes and outcomes of this condition can help you make better decisions to keep your skin healthy. What Is Basal Cell Cancer? Your skin is made up of three layers: The outer layer is called the epidermis The inner layer is called the dermis The…
Home Remedies for Reducing Acid Reflux

If you’ve ever experienced a painful burning sensation in the chest after you’ve eaten, you’re not alone. Acid reflux, commonly referred to as heartburn, affects 60 million people across the U.S. That means almost one out of every five people in Boone and Jefferson frequently reach for antacids after mealtime. There are some natural remedies…
Could a Strep Throat Vaccine Be Closer to Reality?

We’re betting that pretty much everybody has experienced a sore throat in Boone at some point in their lives. They usually occur in conjunction with a cold or flu and, while symptoms typically clear up quickly, that itchy, scratchy sensation is never pleasant to deal with – even when it’s brief. Worse still is strep…
When Hearing Loss Affects Only One Ear

The majority of people with hearing loss in Boone experience an impairment in both ears. For a small percentage, impairment is confined to one ear. You might think this is preferable to being affected in both ears, but single-sided hearing loss presents unique challenges that often make it even more difficult to communicate. What is…
When Should You See an ENT?

If you’re like most people in North Carolina, you are probably unfamiliar with the term otolaryngology. This fancy and difficult-to-pronounce word refers to the medical specialty that deals with ear, nose and throat disorders and is better known by the acronym ENT. An ear, nose and throat specialist, or ENT doctor, sees patients with a…